In the Industrial Forum, colleagues from the industry domain will have the opportunity to showcase their work while attracting collaborations with the industry and academia at an international level.

A limited number of presentation/demo slots of up to 30 minutes including questions and answers will be available for industry participants. During these slots, it will be possible for companies to present products/solutions/projects related to intelligent environments. These solutions could be either already commercially available or still in the development or prototype stage. We invite companies to present their work to a wide range of audiences across various industries and academia to share interesting ideas and experiences to further develop their solutions.


Lifely ( is an innovative company, specialized in prototyping ICT solutions for agriculture. Thanks to its research center it has developed various solutions for monitoring plants, soil, irrigation, cattle and the environment. The devices developed by Lifely are supported by an open, modular and configurable platform. For the conference Lifely will present how its devices have been used in the Turntable Project. TURNTABLE is an European AAL project. Turntable aims at motivating older adults to adopt a healthy lifestyle, and to prolong their expectation of an autonomous and independent life. TURNTABLE solution is an extensible ICT platform, involving elderly people in social agriculture and gardening. 


Abinsula ( is one of the main Italian players in Embedded, IoT, Web and Mobile solutions. Its core business is represented by smart transportation and smart cities, where it has managed to establish itself as a provider of innovative ICT solutions worldwide thanks to a very high specialization. For the conference Abinsula will present a smart solution deployed with the partner WiData, based on more than 500 LoRaWAN Devices Deployed to Mitigate Urban Heat Island in Cagliari Italy. This project offers urban heat island monitoring for the local administration to take action on the intervention in the building color and green space planning to better mitigate the heat island effect.

The Cagliari Smart City Platform – the project is funded by “Programma Operativo Nazionale Metropolitano 2014-2020 (PON METRO 2014-2020)”, a national operational program created by the Italian government to provide funding for projects aimed at promoting sustainable development, improving the quality of life in metropolitan areas, and reducing social and economic disparities.

Emteq Labs

Emteq Labs ( is the market-leader in wearable technology to monitor and translate human behaviour from eyewear. Their wearable solution provides unparalleled insights for the measurement of emotional responses, through facial muscle activity and biometric responses. At the conference they will present their OCOsense smart glasses and their capabilities in measuring facial expressions, facial gestures, activities of daily living. The attendees will have a chance to try the OCOsense glasses and test the various functionalities.


CLEMAP ( is a Switzerland-based IoT company, specializing in energy monitoring and smart charging for electric vehicle supply equipment (EVSE). The company provides scalable load management solutions that are modular and can be used in various settings. With its innovative smart metering device, together with dedicated software, it is one of the major players on the Swiss market for manufacturer – independent smart charging solutions, used everywhere from residential buildings, commercial areas, industrial facilities, shopping centers, and highway rest areas.

We will present our smart charging device and our current effort in integrating the charging infrastructure in the balancing reserves market by working together with regional energy providers.


SAMPLING.AI Sampling.AI ( is one of main and most modern platforms that realize population sampling of scallops through artificial intelligence using aquatic images from cameras, rovs and mechanisms. Its core business is to provide services to companies that have bottom and suspended culture systems for scallops; most of their crop is exported to China, Canada and France. That platform features georeferentiation of concessions, cultivation point, non-extractive/intrusive sampling, machine learning to detect/quantify the scallops, and the ability to generate growth, biomass and monitoring estimation reports. For the conference we will present a disruptive solution for monitoring bottom culture systems for scallops located in Piura, Peru.

Industrial Forum chairs