The IE 2024 conference builds on putting together a successful conference along with workshops, tutorials, special sessions, industrial forums, and demos in the area of smart environments.
The purpose of special sessions in IE 2024 is to foster specialized debates and encourage additional research on current and emerging topics within the conference themes.
Special sessions proposals are invited in all topics relevant to IE 2024, including but not limited to:
- Security in intelligent environments
- 6G visions for smart environments
- Innovative sensing techniques
- Data fusion
- Smart infrastructure (smart home, smart building, smart cities, smart factories, smart hospitals, etc.)
- AI for Smart Environments (health, utilities, agriculture, disaster management, manufacturing, etc.)
- IoT applications and use cases
- Smart environments to accelerate the UN Sustainable Development Goals (ex: SDG7: Affordable & clean energy, SDG13: Climate action, SDG14: Life below water, SDG 15: Life on Land, etc.)
Proposal Format
The submission must include the main proposal, a brief curriculum vitae of the proponent(s) and a plan about how submissions are expected to be attracted to the special session. A maximum of two chairs is allowed per special session. The main proposal must include:
- Title for the special session
- Short abstract that describes the content of the special session (250 words)
- Keywords that are descriptive of the topic covered by the special session
- Narrative description of the Special Session limited to two (2) pages, which includes:
- Objectives and motivation
- Novelty, highlighting the technical innovations presented in the special session
- Special session content, indicating the topics that the special session will cover
- Tentative timeline scheduled for call for paper, review process, acceptance notices, etc.
- Intended audience
- Authors you have already identified and would invite for submission
- Any prior history of the special sessions organized and number of past attendees, if applicable
Special sessions are held during the conference. Papers will be submitted to the same submission system used for the conference. The papers submitted for the session will be included in the proceedings if the session is approved.
We are expecting each special session to attract approximately 15 submissions, from which 3 to 5 should be accepted after a thorough review process.
Proposal submission
Proposals must be submitted as a single pdf to Bilal Farooq ( and Ihsane Gryech ( The subject of the email should start with “IE2024 Special Session Proposal”.
Responsibilities of Special Session organizers
Special Session Chairs have the following responsibilities:
- Maintaining their Special Session website (if any)
- Planning and coordinating the Special Session programme
- Develop and distribute call for papers
- Reviewing and accepting papers. Each paper must be reviewed by at least three reviewers
- Ensuring that the papers adhere to the prescribed format and expected quality
Special Session chairs
Bilal Farooq, Toronto Metropolitan University (
Ihsane Gryech, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven (
Important dates
Special Session proposals due:
Acceptance notification:
Launch of call for papers:
Special Session paper submission due:
Special Session paper decision:
Special Session camera-ready:
Special Session dates:
12 September 2023
22 September 2023
October 2023
1 December 2023*
20 February 2024*
28 March 2024
19 and 20 June 2024
* Paper submission and decision dates should ideally match the general conference dates. The Special Session organizers can adjust them at their discretion, but the camera-ready date is fixed.