The IE 2024 Tutorial Program is intended to disseminate information to conference attendees on
recently emerging topics and trends, provide surveys of complementary techniques to those
commonly studied at IE, and inform industrial practitioners about the field’s state-of-the-art.

IE 2024 Tutorials should serve one or more of the following objectives:

  • Introduce novices to major topics of IE research.
  • Provide instruction in established practices and methodologies.
  • Survey a mature area of IE research or practice.
  • Motivate and explain an IE topic of emerging importance.
  • Introduce expert non-specialists to an IE area.
  • Survey an area of IE research especially relevant for people from the industry.
  • Introduce IE audiences to an external topic that can motivate or use IE research.

Proposal format

The proposal should concisely and clearly describe the content and objectives of the tutorial and
must include the following:

  • Title of the tutorial.
  • Names and affiliations of lecturers.
  • Keywords: Please provide at least three.
  • Intended audience (one paragraph): Describe the background that attendees should have. Tutorials may range from introductory to the field for attendees new to a topic, to advanced (for experts).
  • Format: Please specify whether the tutorial will be given in a single 90-minute or two 90-minute slots (with a short break in between).
  • Description: Including objectives, motivation, and relevance of both the tutorial topic and the contents included in it (no more than 1 page).
  • Content outline: A numbered list indicating the main sections or points to be addressed.
  • Teaching mode: Whether the tutorial is planned to be face-to-face only, entirely virtual, or hybrid, assuming that the main conference will be face-to-face and with few travel restrictions. A description of an alternative plan for how the tutorial will be run in the event that participants cannot attend due to travel restrictions (i.e., withdraw the tutorial, hybrid, or entirely virtual).
  • Materials: A description (one or two paragraphs) of materials to be provided to attendees through the conference website, such as slides, annotated bibliography, code snippets, etc. NOTE: the materials themselves can be provided outside the proposal.
  • Additional information (optional): Any other information deemed necessary or appropriate to provide.
  • Bio-sketches: A maximum half-page bio-sketch of each tutorial lecturer.


Please submit a single PDF file containing the above information via email to:


Tutorial lecturers will receive a free pass to the event as compensation.

Benefits apply only to tutorials with 15 or more participants. Tutorials with less than 6 registered participants by 15th May 2024 will be cancelled. The Tutorial Chairs will make a selection of tutorials to ensure variety and relevance to the conference attendees and to best fit the conference schedule.

Upon acceptance

Speakers for all accepted tutorials will be required to sign a commitment to present at the conference within 14 days of notification. Tutorial topics and their presenters will be featured on the IE 2024. Tutorial materials must be emailed to the conference organisers at least 14 days before the presentation date.

All questions concerning tutorial proposals should be submitted to the Tutorial Chairs.

Tutorial chairs

Important dates

Tutorial proposals due:
Acceptance notification:
Tutorial dates:

17 September 2023 22 September 2023
24 September 2023
17 and 18 June 2024